Ready for beta readers!

The Beasts and Hunters draft is ready for beta readers! Jessica has found a few already but is looking for a couple more. If you’re interested, email us at Beta readers will receive the draft in installments, along with a list of questions Jessica would like you to consider as you read. If you have a novel draft of your own that is at a stage for beta reading, Jessica would consider a beta reading swap with you.

Here’s a snippet from chapter 1 to pique your interest:

Adreth stood. “It’s good to see you, friend.” He stepped over and pulled Djaeva into a hug. Djaeva made irritated noises and didn’t hug him back, which was very rude. Aturi slid down lower on Adreth’s back, trying not to touch the Nai Umae man.

“I knew you would come,” Adreth said, letting Djaeva go, but leaving one hand on his shoulder. Even though Djaeva wasn’t a short man, Adreth was a head taller.

“I failed you,” Djaeva said. “And I’m here to make up for it. But I’m not your friend. How many times do I have to say it before you get it through your thick skull?”

There was a smile in Adreth’s voice. “You say it every lifetime. I’ll never believe you. Are you ready to fight beside me, Lynx?”

Djaeva clapped Adreth’s hand, hard. “Always.”

“Not to ruin this tender moment,” Saresska said, looking through her lens again, “but the demon’s coming this way.”